Ahmed Habib
Text Analysis Tool
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Select Checks to Perform:
Repeated Words
Finds words that appear more than once in the text, highlighting them for easy identification.
Average Syllables per Word
Calculates the average number of syllables per word, providing insight into the complexity of the text.
Lexical Density
Measures the proportion of unique words to total words, indicating the richness of vocabulary.
Connector Words Count
Counts common connector words like 'however', 'therefore', which are used to link ideas.
Uncommon Words Rate
Finds words not in a basic dictionary, highlighting less common vocabulary.
Sentence Variance
Calculates the variance in sentence lengths, showing the diversity in sentence structure.
Redundant Phrases
Identifies repeated phrases, helping to eliminate unnecessary repetition.
Passive Voice Detection
Detects passive voice usage, which can make sentences less direct.
Average Sentence Length
Calculates the average length of sentences, indicating the complexity of sentence structure.
Email Detection
Finds email addresses in the text, useful for extracting contact information.
Link Detection
Identifies URLs in the text, useful for extracting web links.
Phone Number Detection
Detects phone numbers in the text, useful for extracting contact numbers.
Reading Ease Score
Calculates the readability score, indicating how easy the text is to read.